Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do you start a new paragraph when sending a e-mail ?

Most people press "Enter" twice: once to end the current paragraph and once more to insert a blank line before the new paragraph.

How do you start a new paragraph when sending a e-mail ?
Push "enter" it works like "return" does on a typewriter
Reply:hit return twice so that there's a line break.
Reply:I really do not know what your asking so,you start a paragraph with the person's name or business assciation like : To Whom It My Concern: with a colon or Gentlemen, also with a colon and if it is a friendly letter, Dear so and so with comma then next space below and a margin from the Greeting then start your letter which is the body and then the salutation with the closing and wa-la your done. For example:

To Whom It May Concern :

I here by writing a letter to who/whomever wants to read it.This will provide great insurance establishment for you and Bla-Bla-Blah!

Very Truely Yours,


*Yes their is an "E" after the word "TRUELY" in the salutation only and everybody gets this wrong when they are writing!~
Reply:press "enter" and then "tab"
Reply:Indent 5 spaces.
Reply:Skip a line.

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