Sunday, October 11, 2009

Have you ever gotten a nasty e-mail after answering a question in the Dogs section?

How many of you have received nasty e-mails after answering a question in this section? Was it because you were rude or that you just didn't agree? Did you think that the person had a point?

Have you ever gotten a polite or "thank you" e-mail from someone you helped in here?

Fill us all in!


This is for fun and shared amusement, let's try to be nice!

Have you ever gotten a nasty e-mail after answering a question in the Dogs section?
Yes I have gotten 1 nasty e-mail. That is because I asked how come he always had the same answer for every question. This person just replaced the name of the dogs breed in the question word for word. Guess he did not like it. hehehe. Once in a while I will copy one of my answers if it is almost the same question. But this person did it ALL the time.


The most polite one is when I first starting coming in here a lady was worried about her pom safely have her pups. She e-mailed me quite a bit about different things. She asked anything from whelping box to tying off umbilical cords if needed. She has quite a few questions and I am glad she did ask. I helped her with as much as I knew and had experienced. I did tell her to make sure to take her pom to the vet to make sure everything was developing along ok. She did that and also had the vet on stand-by when her pom started having pups if she needed help. She made it through, no problems what so ever. I am glad for that. She took them to the vet shortly after they were born all were very healthy. She sent pics of the pups, believe it or not her pom had 7 puppies. WOW! Even the tiniest pup made it. She said it was a lot of work helping with the pups and what not and it really tired her ( the owner) out. She did not think she wanted to have any more pups as it took a lot of time and work. She thanked me for all the help I had given her. I am glad that some people actually think of some question that are out of the ordinary. You never know when the information will come in handy. It made me feel good that I was able to help her with the questions she had and to safely help her pom have a safe delivery of her pups.
Reply:Many times. I also have been sited for violations.

Violations were reversed.

Some have challenged my knowledge.

Some just didn't like the answer that I gave.

All in all I have had more wanting more information of the topic or will ask me other questions cause they liked my answer.

Don't worry about it cause there are many answers to a question %26amp; some people are really sensitive about their dogs.
Reply:I haven't received anything nasty. I have received polite emails or emails asking for more information from my answer or help with their puppies. I'm always willing to help

I've received a lot of thumbs down, I know there are some people who don't agree or like what I have to say!!.
Reply:hi i have never got a nasty email ...yet hope i dont cause i would cry myself to sleep , i must admit i have asked at least one silly question on reflection looking back now but we are all human , i have had some lovely replies from the lady up above , the one that writes funny but respect to her cause she knows what shes talking about , ever since i read jim willis how could you we should all listen to her.xx
Reply:I've gotten both thank you's and nasty grams.

I recently answered a question saying there was no such thing as a Mini Australian Shepherd and got 3 e-mails from someone defending herself as a "Breeder" of "Mini Australian Shepherds". She then sent me separate information about the special registry they had for them...All I wrote back is "There is a special registry because THEY ARE NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE AKC", she then wrote back that *I* needed to get my facts straight!


EDIT - LMAO - Just got one in response to my answer about a "Chidorkie" - IT IS NOT A MUTT, It's a new "Designer Breed" (Chihuahua, Yorkie, Doxin - Purchased at a "Reputable Pet Shop" no less!).
Reply:well, go to the vegetarian and vegan section, and woah.. you can get alot of hate e-mails there for saying your beliefs. (i know i got quite a few)

no, cuz i havent been here long.
Reply:Believe it or not, in spite of my distinct tone, I've only gotten one kinda nasty email. I have recieved at least a dozen thanking me for help and asking about adoption in the area! My favorite was from a cat breeder who I kinda chewed out because it didn't sound like she knew what she was doing. Well, she wrote back in a very courteous manner and explained the situation and agreed that perhaps she didn't present it perfectly when she worded the question. She was most polite and understanding and THANKED me for the suggestion of spay/neuter but as her show cats were show cats...not an option. I have since linked her to a cat pregnancy question to which she gave good advice. So, there are good people out here.

I think the reason I don't get much email from nasties (and I allow email- why not?) is that they get much more fun deleting my q's and a's...I have picked up a troll and although I have an idea who it is...could never prove it. Oh well, fun in cyberspace...
Reply:I've gotten quite a bit of hate email and I have gotten a few snotty and snide emails, and a few nice ones where I actually got through to someone.

The best one though is the person that I corrected in a question when she said that Doberman's skulls are too small for their brains and she sent me a snotty email saying I was dumb and arrogant so I sent her link after link proving that it was a myth and it was ignorant to believe that and I never heard from her again. Perhaps she felt a bit stupid?
Reply:No, my email isn't accessable through this site, and neither are my questions or answers. I have already experienced one account deleted because some asshole decided to report every single answer I ever put, whether legitimate or not. I think there are a lot of people here who are closet stalkers, as evidenced by the thumbs down you see on some really good answers.

Some people don't want to hear the truth, they ask a question but they just want an amen chorus telling them how cool they are for wanting to buy a dog outfit or breed their dog or lock it outside all the time "because it sheds" or something else that makes most people who care about animals want to kick them in the a s s .
Reply:No but i have got some girl email me back after she asked in a pic if she was fat n 2 plz answer her truthfully n i said yeah that she was kind of fat. Then she emailed me bac all pist so i then asked her y she cared if ppl tough she was fat or not n she never wrote back. :) So all u got 2 do is write back with somethin that would really make then think.
Reply:Oh Ya! I gotten a few. It amazes me when I point out to them that what they asked about it not why they are upset then there is usually a compromise. I was told once that I was going to burn in hell, I told them that ya maybe but I'll be the one holding the gates open for them too! LOL

You cant please everyone so I take those with a grain of salt.

I do get several thank you's those are always very rewarding!
Reply:I have and I send it right to Yahoo and they take care of it and they have sent me emails through my yahoo 360 and I just delete them. And I have made my Yahoo 360 Private but some how they get into it any way and I delete them. What it was is the people that kept on coming in Yahoo Answers and they were spamming and they sent me a letter through my 360 and called me a bully and I sent it right to Yahoo 360 and they took care of it and I just delete junk mail.
Reply:Nope, I am new, but I can't wait to get one because it will mean that I am hitting the target. I just love hunting season!
Reply:I must say I never have because my email doesn't show up. Otherwise, I probably would've because people don't always agree with my answers when they are truthful. I must say, I did get picked for best answer though (I don't know why) because the asker said "dumb answer". That girl was so rude and impolite!

Here it is:
Reply:Seems like I ruffled some feathers once by calling PETA freaks "PETA freaks". Guess I could have been a little more diplomatic and said that they were "stupid PETA freaks"

The only other hate mail came from a certain individual that doesn't like having her "designer puppies" called "mutts". So I just let her go her way and I will go my way.

Like most I suppose, I have gotten some TYs and follow up e-mails.
Reply:I generally keep the option to receive email from people on Y!A turned off, but a couple months ago, I had enabled it to communicate with a person and forgot to turn it off again.

I got a nasty email because I had posted that it is okay for dogs to have vegetables such as carrots, green beans, etc.. (And even had links to "safe" and "unsafe" vegetables for dogs from various sources, including the ASPCA.)

An individual sent me a nasty email telling me that the only things dogs could ever ever eat was dog food. I responded in a very calm-factual manner with information about dog food ingredients and that dog food typically contains meat, vegetables, etc. (Trying to be professional and informative.) Well, this individual then started stalking me via Y!A and anytime I posted an answer, the person would also answer the question with a reply like "Don't listen to Abbyful, she's stupid, blah blah blah". (I don't like reporting people, but I ended up reporting her because it was so annoying and ridiculous.)

I turned my email via Y!A back off again after that, LOL. I know a lot of what I say, people disagree with (like "don't breed your mutt-a-doodle", and "Beneful is not a healthy dog food"), and I just don't want to have to deal with the pettiness of it all. I always try to remain calm and factual in my answers, and I don't want to deal with people getting upset just because they haven't done their research and don't want to feel like they are doing anything wrong.




Yes to the nasty emails. H**p and I went round and round after I criticized her for recommending benadryl for a dog (that she knew nothing about) that was either suffering from allergies or from a cold. I sent her an email stating I felt it was completely irresponsible of her to do that and she went OFF. Like - off the deep end. It was quite amusing how "she's smarter than any vet she knows" and all of her threats. And then she turned off her ability to send me emails and went private on her profile. No - she had NO valid points. Yet I was the "know-it-all" And she hates my avatar. (like her grey head is something to behold!)

I received an email from someone who didn't even answer a question and they reported me - it was for hte "ohhhh no I cut off my dog's leg what do I do?" I said, change the name to Tripod?? DP got best answer telling the person to duct tape the leg back on!! We went back and forth with me explaining hte question was a joke - finally they actually went and read the whole question and actually apologized to me.

And I have gotten thank you emails as well - several from providing CareCredit, others for crate training advice, others for bashing BSL, others from people who simply just agreed and wanted to say that they did.

At least I have gotten more nice/thank you emails than evil emails - whew!!
Reply:Just one so far:

%26lt;%26lt;Subject: pregnant dog

Message: i just took my pregnant dog to the vet and she is pregnant good thing for u ur ******* prayer didnt work u jackass, and report me if you'd like i dont give a **** and i schedule a X-ray appoint in october so i will know how many pups she has u ***** rot in hell! im a careful breed not a careless! i prayed that u will rot in hell and die ! %26gt;%26gt;
Reply:I am new here so I am sure to get some nasty e-mail (If I can even receive e-mail, I am computer illiterate and am not sure I have it turned on)!! I do want to put my 2 cents worth in. I get disappointed when someone asks a question, to them is probably a real problem, or they are very interested in knowing more about!! But to someone else it sounds like the most stupid and ridiculous question ever!! And the people that answer, Just totally get all over them about how stupid they are or how stupid their question was!! I have to admit, at first it took me a while to work up enough nerve to ask a question!! If I see a question I think is ridiculous from now on, i will not post an answer!! By the way I want to introduce myself to you even though I have been here for a couple weeks already! My name is Meloni and my e-mail address is Nice writing you guys!!!!
Reply:Once, some guy posted one of those questions that was obviously just trying to rile people up. I think it was something like "I love Vick and want to fight too. Where can I go?"

I was one of the first people to post and said something like, "This guy just posted for everyone's angry reaction. Don't satisfy him by posting."

He sent me this nasty e-mail calling me all kinds of wicked names. It made me laugh and I was quite happy for posting it telling people not to pander to him.

Though I was surprised there's no way to report evil e-mails. The e-mail was much worse than most of the comments I've seen here. I wonder if they censor it at all.
Reply:I've had a few.

One was one when someone blamed me for the incorrect and rude advice in the post above mine. I pointed this out but never got an apology. I guess they were either to ignorant to reply or too embarrassed. A short "I'm sorry for the mistake" would have been nice, but I guess the person has no manners.

Another one was really mouthy saying everything I said was wrong. She did write to me a few days later after finally taking her dog to the vet. She apologized and said she was wrong. That did mean a lot to me.

Most of the time I have no mail so it's not really an issue
Reply:Yes, because I suggested an alternative to shock collars--using a squirt bottle.

In the vegetarian and vegan forum, I get bombarded with meat-eaters' hate emails. I sometimes send angry emails to people who blindly accuse vegans for stupid reasons (i.e. you are all going to die of anorexia!) but I say mild things like "I cannot believe you can talk that way. Please reconsider the way you talk to people, whether it is on the Net or in person."
Reply:I have got some nasty IMs...and some TY ones...seems more nasty ones though. some turn into a debate some times i'll talk if i think i can explain my point even if they don't agree sometimes i just blow them off cause i see what i'm saying is going over their head.

I'm an open minded person on most things.

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